Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, February 1, 2009

Father Figure Needed

So, this weekend we enacted a crazy scheme to jam a house full of high school friends and their infants/toddlers into the Hendrickson's South Haven condo. There were 3 infants, two toddlers 8 parents, and Carey. All of us gathered to share some good times. The chaos was minimal. As expected, our girls were perfect angels. We were a little bit worried as Sanna has turned into a bit of a diva around 'strangers', which as of now is anyone besides Laurin and I. She took a little while to warm up to Carey, which isnt much of a suprise, but after that she was fine with everyone else. Out girls bounced, sat, and played contently all day long. There was lots of fist bumping from Owen and whining by Finnegan. Apparently Dan and Denise put some magic crystals in his diaper that magically migrated into his man parts to wreak havoc on our evening. We all took turns viewing/diagnosing/offering ideas to fix his business. Apparently Vicks' Vapo Rub is a bad idea. We were looking for vasoline and it certainly appeared to be vasoline based at a minimum. Laurin whipped out some bactimicin ointiment that we had for our ladies' diaper rash and it seemed to help. Finnegan also got a bath, which he seemed to like. He took one last hit from the Edmund mobile diner and fell asleep in Denise's arms. That finally allowed us to play "Battle of the Sexes" which I had bought at Walmart that morning because the cable and internet had been turned off by Laurin's evil, massicistic parents, who are in Florida for two months. Battle of the Sexes is a game that is supposed to ask the men questions that women would normally know and vice versa. The winner of the game is supposed to be the 'better' sex. It turns out that knowing a lot of answers to the questions that you are asked in this game means you are more a woman than a man, and that you should be embarrased. Can I help it that I am subjected to the eighteen iterations of 'The Hills', entertainment tonight, project runway, and Oprah on a daily/weekly basis. I am a man with a diverse knowledge base. Is it so wrong to know names of fashion designers and the Spice Girls? While we laughed at Dan for guess that the answer to the question "how did women in the 70s straighten their hair" was either with a curling iron, a beehive, or crimper, the end result was that his manliness was not questioned. No suprise, Dan and I won both times we played. If anybody asks, men are the better sex until someone tells me that their woman team somehow won that game. I would then challenge you to a playoff. The next morning my parents stopped by to shower us with gifts and get their monthly fix of baby face time. We got home in record time and the girls slept the whole way. Good times concluding a fun weekend.


G.A.Sandy said...

vicks vapo rub....ouch!!


Nancy Hendrickson said...

What kind of people leave Christmas trees up in their living room in February? Looks like your reunion was lots of fun!!!!!!! All of the babies were precious, especially ours!