Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Thursday, February 12, 2009

And So It Begins.....

For the first time, the girls really interacted and played back and forth. Riley is a fan of her rings and one somehow got stuck on Sanna's foot. Riley can sit up forever now, which is fun. Sanna somehow rolled over in front of her and the fun began. We are in for some interesting times I think... There is also a projectile puke in here somewhere and some yappin. Sorry for Sanna's partial nudity. Suprisingly, she had a blowout and was not given new clothes prior to bedtime.


G.A.Sandy said...

We can hardly keep up with the rapid development here....this is amazing... Talk about ring around the toesy!!
We are addicted to these videos, I hope you know...!
G.A. Sandy

Jill said...

Wow! I thought they were cute before, now they are gorgeous! I love seeing how they enteract with each other. I really think they are so advanced.

Bri said...

I love how Sanna just peaces out of the situation and hangs out in the nude on her mat :)