Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

We Are Kind of a Big Deal

As many of you have noticed, we have gone global. The people of England and Canada enjoy the hilarity that is our lives the most, with the rest of the world well represented. I invite all of our global visitors to join in on the fun. For quite some time I thought it was just our aunts reading this blog, but we had 49 unique hits yesterday. We will keep the good times coming for all of our worldwide readers. And to those of you with a diarrhea fetish I am sorry google has wronged you by sending you in my direction.


G.A.Sandy said...

OK- now I am REALLY impressed! What fun!!!

One of the Aunts (Sandy)

Kathy said...

Isn't the nephews' blog brillant. Ta Ta!!

The other Aunt ( Kathy)