Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, February 9, 2009

Weekend Video Fun


C8ertot said...

Ryan--I'm pretty sure with some clever video editing you could make a snazzy remake of the Beyonce video "Single Ladies (put a ring on it)" between the first and fourth videos. I'm just saying is all.

Patti said...

Fantastic moves Sanna! Who do you love Riley! They are BOTH sitting up......ALONE! :)

Maria said...

good land! riley eats like a pro...and is she starving? :)

Big Ryan said...

Im pretty sure you can see by her size that she is not starving. At 6 months, she was 19lb 9oz.

Maria said...

my word! she weighs more than ada did at her 9 month check up:)
i love these videos by the way.

G.A.Sandy said...

whoops -posted on the wrong videos but ditto...
LOVE THESE videos....

Can you email me the into pic on the blog...want to put it on my desktop pic...

Love ya;
G.A. Sandy

G.A.Sandy said...

I mean the intro pic....
whoowee...must be my advanced of today...


Kathy said...

It is as if we are there enjoying their milestones. Thanks. I am so glad they are on food and enjoying it as well.