Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Friday, February 13, 2009

Is This Normal?

Today, Riley has started making these awful grunting/yelling noises. It is so bad it makes Sanna cry. If you hold her, she doesnt make the noises. But, the last 2 or 3 times we put her in the sitting position, she yunts (yell/grunt) crazily. I forgot to add my other new word, horearms (arm equivalent of cankles, hand/forearm). Laurin is worried demons have taken over our daughter. Does she have mental problems? I hope not.


G.A.Sandy said...

and this is a sweet little prelude to the terrible two's no doubt! Playing with the vocalization, experimenting....

No matter what they do they are beautiful!!

G.A. Sandy

Maria said...

normal is a relative term.
ada laughs when cambel is crying...hopefully this is normal and not signs of a buddy sociopath.
ada does a sort of growling noise too--but again, the jury is still out on whether or not she is normal:)

Maria said...

oops, i meant "budding" sociopath. not buddy
that makes the comment not as funny as it had the potential to be