Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Vision of the Future

So, in the last few days, our girls have begun to show their true colors. Apparently Sanna is a crybaby and Riley is an antagonistic bully. I feel this video accurately portrays our last few days. I wish I could have gotten a video of this interaction from the beginning, but you will have to understand that it normally starts with the two of them 'playing' on the blanket in the sitting position. Something frustrates Riley, so she lets out a yunt. Sanna starts to cry, so Riley turns to her and starts to feed the fire. We are in for a world for trouble I think.


G.A.Sandy said...

What in the world started all this? It certainly is interesting to watch..Sanna is crying like something terrible has happened and Riley just watches calmly and "yunts"....

and so it begins...needles and pin...needles and pins...this is where all the trouble begins....


mariellen said...

I believe you is in a heap of trouble.

Granny Smith

Kathy said...

I beleive it has to do with the birth order.

Aunt Kathy -second child

Patti said...

That is the funniest thing I have ever seen (except for poor Sanna crying.....)