Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Good Babies = Fun Times

After days of odd behavior and bad interactions between our two little ladies, we were a bit concerned about the future of our sanity and our children's friendship. With a giant knock on wood, I present this video and a report that today was pretty good. Very minimal yunting, and no antagonistic behavior by Riley, or unnecessary crying by Sanna. The following video depicts what we hope will be the future of our ladies relationship. I am also including a few pics taken earlier in the day of the ladies hangin out in a calm, friendly manner . I must also note that one of our friends was suprised to hear we photograph our ladies every day. Are we odd for doing so? When you sit in the same room all day with multiple cameras in reach, photos happen. Maybe someday we will get bored with their new expressions and interactions, but until then, its 10-40 pics a day. Many videos too. Until Flickr/Blogger tell us they can no longer support our habit, we will go full speed ahead. Enjoy.


G.A.Sandy said...

Ahhhh, sweet. So goes it- the ups and downs of babyhood. And slowly learning that ones best friends are always your sister/sisters!!!

Lovely way to start our day here in sunny Florida...

G.A. Sandy

G.A.Sandy said...

...and as far as taking all the pics...with a muse (and her camera!) like the twin's great grandmother Angi-what else can you do? Besides you are letting us all share in this magic time...and building your own genealogical book....

G.A. Sandy..ok so I am wordy today.....

Bri said...

They are besties already.

Who cares that you are taking so many pics? You will love them later.

Big Ryan said...

nobody really cares. we were just getting made fun of for being so photo crazy. we will see what happens when their kids arrive. I cant imagine how many pictures we would take if one of us had their hands free at all times. I also think twins create more photo opps.

Patti said...

What is wrong with taking 500 pictures a day? Sounds normal to me! You have BEAUTIFUL models!

G.A.Sandy said...

As I play this...over and over...I notice how they are looking at each other.. Discovering "the other" so to speak... Lovely.
