Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Random Thoughts from the Weekend

This weekend was pretty uneventful, but I did have a smattering of funny/questionable ideas/events to share:

1. Riley has started making a new noise. It is like a really forced laugh where she sounds like she is out of breath. It is much better than her yunting, but sometimes she pulls out a mashup of the two. It is shown in the first video. While we say we dont like the yunting, there is nothing funnier than a nice yunt at the quietest moment of mass. We learned that today.

2. Our babies like the dogs, especially Riley. She likes to pet him and grab him and lick him (we try to minimize that). Usually, a playful Frankie can bring even the most intense tanrum to an end. As opposed to Owen, he is good for something occasionally.

3. We stumbled upon Yo Gabba Gabba for the first time. We had been introduced to its glory by Brett a while back. I was surprised how intensely the girls watched this very odd show. If this is the only thing that can keep them content for an extended period of time, Ill take it, but this is some weird stuff. Check out this link. I wish it was the real video, but it is from someone videotaping their tv while watching it. you may have to copy and paste into your browser.

4. While taking a trip to Costco on a Saturday afternoon (not recommended for those who fear crowds and lines), I formulated a theory. We had the girls with us in their double stroller. Many people commented on their supreme cuteness, but mostly people either without kids or with older kids. We crossed paths with many people shopping with infants (capable of fitting in a carseat). They didnt throw a glance our way. I have two potential explanations for this: the first is that they have their own baby(s), so someone else's infant isnt that exciting for them. The second theory is that if they look and see a baby that is cuter that theirs, it would make them sad. Laurin still contests that parents have no ability to see their children as anything but the cutest babies ever, so it wouldnt matter if they saw another cute baby. I disagree, mostly because I have been able to objectively assess our girl's cuteness from the start. My fun addition to this theory is that people size up the parents before deciding if they want to look. Everyone with kids likes to laugh at the goofy looking infants that make up a large portion of the infant population. I think it would be fun if this theory became well known/acknowledged fact, I would look at everyone's babies just to mess with their heads, making them think that i thought we were more attractive than them.

5. People who design diapers are sadists. I dont think they are really trying to design diapers that will contain massive amounts of urine and/or liquid poo. Today, Laurin picked up Sanna to see if she pooped and somehow the poop shot out the back out the diaper and landed on her sock. I sadly did not take a picture. She was not as amused.

6. I have often wondered (as I trek up and down our many sets of stairs) if my first instinct would be to protect the baby or myself if I were to fall. I would hope I could do both, but if not I would hope I would protect the baby. In questioning my own parents about this I learned that my dad once fell down the stairs while carrying my sister. He admitted to first bracing himself, but he was able to grab her before she fell. With those faulty genes inside me I can no longer trust myself carrying the kids up and down the stairs. I have give those duties to Laurin until I hear of equal or greater negligence from her family.

If you couldnt tell, my writing style is what I call stream of conciousness. I must also state that Laurin has not part in writing any of these posts. Please dont blame her for my often questionable attempts at humor.


C8ertot said...


Can I get some clarification here ? I just want to make sure I didn't misunderstand your last bit there at the end of the post. Are you suggesting that in some way you intimidate other parents with your awesomeness and so they are therefore less interested in your children ? That would be a new perspective for sure :P

But I DO have to agree that as an objective bystander that has no real interest in babies that don't belong to my friends, yours ARE exceptionally cute. They rank up there in the top ten !

Big Ryan said...

No, what I was saying is it would be fun (assuming others were aware of this theory) to go around looking at babies of attractive parents. They would think that I thought we were more attractive then them. It would secretly offend them, but they could never say anything in case we werent actually aware of the theory/rule. It is all very complicated. It isnt a well-developed thought. I thought it was funny. Laurin doesnt really agree.

Denise E said...

ryan...#4 confuses me, even with your clarification. i would also like to note that i never find your blog posts offensive. perhaps it is because i "get" your humor. laurin, don't be concerned. your husband is funny and the blog is pretty damn entertaining. :)

Big Ryan said...

What is the source of the confusion? I will try my best to clarify my theory.

G.A.Sandy said...

OK- since I know my nephew/godson so well....I get the humor! Very funny.

Love Riley's repertoire of laughs... it is getting better and better all the time!

Love; G.A.Sandy

Bri said...

Okay, I don't really get #4, but I only quickly read through it. I know it was something about cute babies and blah, blah, blah. Your babies are cute. I am sure most people with babies are more worried about making sure their kid don't throw up at the store, or do somethign crazy like that. I am just trying to make sure that Abe doesn't escape.

As for Yo Gabba Gabba. Abe loves that crap. It is a tad off-putting, but most kids shows are. You just become numb to it all. We like it because they have cool famous people on and encourage dancing (Which everyone knows Abe loves). I can't wait until your girls start loving the Wiggles. It is going to happen ...

Big Ryan said...

Bri, the point of the post isnt that our babies are especially cute, or that we are attractive. It was more of a theory on parents in general. I would defy the theory to mess with people. I should just delete that item. It made sense/was funny in my odd mind.

Kathy said...

Most people that have children, especially in a store, are overwhelmed already and can not expend the effort to look at your beautiful ladies Ryan. Extra energy forces important things into the bit bucket. The pictures are great. But I love the fact that Riley is vocal in church. Some of my best masses were when a funny event occurred in front of me during Mass. Auntie

Bri said...

I thought the fact that your babies are especially cute and that you are attractive was implied. Isn't that a well known fact!? DUH.

Big Ryan said...

I think that they are twins ups their cuteness. I dont know where they fall individually in the cuteness spectrum. The funniest part (in my opinion) of my plan/theory was that I would go up to people who were clearly more attractive than me (I wont speak for Laurin) and look at their baby. If everyone followed the belief that they only looked at babies of people they felt were less attractive than them (hoping to see a goofy looking baby that can make them laugh/happier about the cuteness of their baby(s), it would offend them as vain people, but they couldnt say anything in case I wasnt aware of the theory. This is way too complicated as I write this. I give up.

C8ertot said...

But I get it now ! I think the baby time may have addled your brain, but amusing all the same !

G.A.Sandy said...

Whew---how convoluting....
but fun nevertheless.

You are right-cuteness when doubled is always I have two grandsons that have always looked like twins I know this....


Denise E said...

i get it now. i like the theory...don't delete! :)

Jill said...

I love this post. Don't delete. First of all your girls are pretty beautious by any standard,parents or not. But, I have seen some not so cute babies come from some gorgeous parents. One example, the Kennedy family, who mostly everyone knows. The men were drop dead gorgeous, yet the Kennedy sisters were not very pretty by any standard. I just think Rose and Joe's genes were put together to make handsome people rather than pretty. You know what I mean? Also, I have seen some odd looking babies grow up to be stunning adults. Then there is the theory that children skip a generation, so look to the grandparents for the "good looking" genes before you decide to procreate. I like to think that one is the best, as a grandmother of course.