Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The First (Acually Second) Meal

Here I present a very long video (6 min) of our ladies eatin solids for the second time today. The first meal wasnt nearly as funny as the second meal. For those of you who dont want to devote 6 minutes to watching our ladies eat rice cereal, I broke the video into two chunks. The second chunk is funnier in my humble opinion.


G.A.Sandy said...

OSCAR goes to you guys!!!! Best production, best special effects, best acting....and action, action, action! I want to know how many besides us had our mouths open watching this!!!

LOVE IT!! Thanks for letting us share in this...and to Frankie for getting into the act as well...


Patti said...

I though it wasn't going to be messy, Laurin! :) I can't wait until they start getting their hands into the action!

mariellen said...

Great video! I think you're going to have to have a two handed feeding approach. Sanna does not want to wait her turn! Wait until they taste the applesauce, they'll go wild.

Granny Smith

Kathy said...

Great video you two. They want MORE!!

G.A.Sandy said...

What a great treat!! Thanks a big bunch....
Can you email me the intro pic on the blog...want to change my desktop pic which is of course, always the girls...

G.A> Sandy