Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, October 6, 2008

Weekend Fun

We spent the weekend at Smith manor in Grand Rapids.  I had a rugby game against the Grand Rapids team and we need to pick up furniture in South Haven, so off we went.   Excitement included someone breaking their leg in the rugby game (on the other team),  lots of smiling from the little ladies, some diaper blowouts, and a trip out to a bar for us.  Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Smith for giving us a night out.  By night out, I mean we left at 6 and were home by 9.   The rugby team has a social after every game with the other team.    If Laurin or my mother were more willing/able to use a camera we would have good action shots from the rugby game.  Sadly, all we were left with are more pictures of the ladies.  Lame. 


Anonymous said...

Rugby sounds far too dangerous for a family man such as yourself. You need to regain focus on that disc golf game of yours.

G.A.Sandy said...

amen to that brother...


G.A.Sandy said...

love the pics from the Smith weekend. The girls are getting more and more beautiful....

Great pics Mariellen!!!


Kathy said...

don't hurt the hand that co signs those big contract deals Ryasn