Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Thursday, October 16, 2008

From the Cradle to the Grave.....

Here we see three generations of lovely ladies.   In an effort to get the great grandparents safely from Kalamazoo, MI to Largo, FL, several members of the family undertook the most complicated feat of transportation.  The result was this picture.  It would have been even better if Katie wasnt so selfishly leaving tonight.  We could have had four generations tomorrow.   Patti flew in from Tampa to spend some time with the ladies.  Katie popped in from Purdue for the evening.  Nancy came down a day early for some QT.   Tomorrow, Grandpa Bill will be driving the GGPs from Kalamazoo to Indianapolis.  After a short stay, Patti will drive them the rest of the way back to their shared home state of Florida.  Grandma Nancy will then drive home with Grandpa Bill sometime this weekend.   Our ladies managed to surpass their previous level of cute in the series of pictures that took place today. Try not to pee your pants from the visual assault of cuteness.


G.A.Sandy said...

Congrats ladies...what a treasure of pics...thanks for the sharing....and what adorable hats on Sanna and Riley.. We have little fashion bugs here for sure...the level of cuteness on the cuteness index is rising!!!!


Patti said...

I CAN'T STAND IT!!!!!! I miss my babies SO much! (AND, I only got 987 pictures!) :)

They are SO precious!
