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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Craniosacral Therapy

There has been a lot of concern expressed over our impending use of craniosacral therapy on Riley.  Our goal is to see if it helps with her rather extreme reflux.  We plan to discuss the decision with our pediatrician to determine if it is 100% safe and potentially effective.  All the reading I have done describe it as a gentle technique that is perfectly safe on any age/size person.  I have yet to come across a negative article, but will keep looking in the spirit of due diligence.  In order to calm everyone's fears, I am posting a video of the world's preeminent craniosacral therapist, Dr. Terry Bollea.  Here he demonstrates some of his most effective techniques on a patient.


G.A.Sandy said...

need I say more....than that video...

also my personal nurse practitioner Lyn agrees with your aunt Kathy and I. I stand by my comments.
And you need to define "extreme reflux with the pedi doc...usually it is projectile vomiting.

G.A.Sandy (almost a doctor).....

Big Ryan said...

I know I am making light of a serious thing. I appreciate everyone's input, and have certainly taken it into account. That, coupled with our pediatrician's opinion will finalize our decision. If we go there and it is anything but gentle we will end the session.

Melissa said...

i didn;t know you had the camera.

KB said...

we actually took ada to this therapy (minus the man in the speedo) b/c she was favoring turning her head to one side all the time and also b/c she didn't nurse as well when her head was turned to the other side. the dr was great and it was very gentle. it actually looked like she was hardly doing anything (but according to the bill, she was). i think i noticed some improvement. i have a few friends who also took their babies. i haven't heard of any negative side effects. good luck
