Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Thursday, October 2, 2008

Bring The Pain

So, we had an action-packed day. First up, the pediatrician.  Our little beefies weighed in a 10lb 14oz (Sanna), and 11lb 5 oz (Riley).  So, Sanna is catching up.  She had been consistently 1 Lb behind.  The girls were given a clean bill of health and vaccinated.  They are moving nicely up the middle of the growth chart.  Riley was given some special formula with rice in it that supposedly adds weight to the liquid.  That is supposed to help keep things down.    We inquired about the craniosacral therapist, and were give the green light as long as it was all about touch/massage, not manipulation and stretching. 

We then raced across town to the home of the craniosacral therapist.  Arriving just in time, we entered with extreme caution.  The therapist was very nice and laid back.   I cant really say what she was doing, but it appeared as it she was just lightly touching various parts of her body and feeling for blockages in her chi or something.   She found some in her colon, thorassic spine, and vagus nerve. She supposedly 'released' them, but I dont know how.  Riley slept through a good portion of the treatment.  When we got home, Riley slept for about 5 hours, ate, the slept for another 6-7 hours.  I was not so lucky throughout the night.  She seemed to be calmer and more alert, but who knows.  We will see how things progress with her eating.  First meal was good, next two not so much.  The therapist thought it might take 48-72 hours to take effect.  We will probably go back next week to follow up.  

So, she is still alive and possibly better off.   We will see.


Kathy said...

SWometimes these treatments make the parents feel better but time will heal as well. Your scientific study was altered by the rice formula. Is it the chicken or the egg?

Kathy said...

of course if I could control my fingers on the keyboard I would sound more serious. Sorry for the typos. Maybe craniosacral therapy would help..I've fallen and I can't get up..