Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Thursday, October 23, 2008

High School Girls Freaking Love Obama

So, I got an email yesterday saying there was an Obama event downtown. Now that we live downtown, I thought it might be interesting to go. Riley had an appt with with craniosacral therapist, so Sanna and I decided to check it out. The email I got said doors opened at 830 and the event was 9-11. I thought that was odd since it was outdoors, but whatever. Sanna and I got there at 9 and there was a huge line of people waiting to go through security and get in. Sanna got hungry at about 915, so I fed her in the baby bjorn as we made our way towards security. After we finally got in, we were actually really close. That is probably due to the fact that the event didnt START until 11. I was a little pissed and had no more bottles. Luckily, Sanna is an angel. She finished her bottle around 1030 and took her pacifier around 11. Despite the high school girls screaming like N'Sync was about to come on, she slept. Having heard the talking points many a time, I really just wanted to take some pictures and experience the event. At 12, Obama went on. I took a few pics and Sanna started to freak out. We were very fortunate to find a path out as it was barricaded all around the park. If I hadnt found this gap we would have had to make our way through 25000 people across about 100yds of park. So, our day consisted of 3 hours of waiting and 2 minutes of Obama.

1 comment:

Jill said...

But your daughter was there in the presence for Obama, and that's history! So you are going to have to explaine to her sister why she wasn't there, and why do you not love her as much? Oh yes, get ready mister it's a tough road ahead with your girls!