Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, October 6, 2008

Next Step....

So, it doesnt appear that the first round of craniosacral therapy had a major effect on Riley's reflux.  She is more alert these days, but that could be a product of her continued mental development.  We also switched her to a formula with a rice component that has seemed to help a little.  With that being said, we are looking for additional solutions to help our little Riley.   I found an interesting article on acupuncture used for this purpose.  The girls dont seem to like needles, so I am a little hesitant.  Has anyone out there used acupuncture to cure such an affliction?  I found a guy downtown that will do it for a reasonable price. 


G.A.Sandy said...

surely you jest.....

G.A. Sandy

G.A.Sandy said...

things work themselves pun intended...


Kathy said...

I know you are kidding...but have they tried meditation.. you not the kids