Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Quick Updates

In the latest cage match, you can see two awesomely bad competitors go head-to-head.  Please let me know if you are unwilling/unable to submit similar photos.  I have one other competitor after these.  

In the world of babies, Riley had a puke explosion yesterday.  She looked a little red and agitated, so I tried to put her in her little chair to relax.  I went downstairs, and heard Laurin scream for me to come back upstairs.  When I got up there, Riley had chunks of food streaming out of her mouth and nose (really freaky when puke comes out her nose).   It was all over her outfit and chair.  She soaked the back of her head somehow.  I really wish we had taken a picture, but we were actually concerned parents for once, not laughing voyeurs.    With this new formula, the food sometimes comes out as chunks.  Other than that explosion she is still doing better than with breastmilk/regular formula.  Both ladies are still sleeping better and talking a lot.  We will record a 'conversation' soon as we havent had video in some time.  There was a good one this morning.

1 comment:

C8ertot said...

This isn't Frankie cleaning her up, is it ? You guys aren't that twisted...right ?