Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Got a Little Captain in You?

We managed to make it out to our first baby-friendly social event last Friday. Our neighbors had an engagement party. We decided to take the ladies out for a few errands prior to the event. We were hoping all the driving around in their car seats would help them fall deep asleep. Riley was awake for most of the errands but fell asleep on the way home. Sanna was asleep for most the errands but woke up as soon as we got to the party. While Riley graciously decided to sleep through the wild party, Sanna decided to have her loudest screaming fit ever. Since then, she has had about one a day. Historically, Sanna was our calm, quiet baby. Theories range from teething (we think we see something popping through in one spot) to seperation anxiety. Sanna started freaking out when a new person was holding her. I have been on business travel all week and Grandma Nancy has been causing the freakouts. The internets tell us that this can start to happen around this time. I will be home tonight to solve all this baby drama. For all of you that planned to visit us, noone is allowed to hold our babies but us anymore. Our eardrums cant take the pain. For your amusement, I offer this photo I took on my camera of Eric doing his best Captain Morgan impression.


G.A.Sandy said...

guess the babies are starting to assert themselves in the world.....they are probably discussing it among themselves and doing the- take a turn- thing...
ah, the power of babyhood....


Patti said...

They just mis their GAP! :) Do you want me to move up there and live with you? :)

mariellen said...

I'm afraid I will have to hold the Sanna this weekend and see if my Baby Whisperer techinques hold true.

Big Ryan said...

Im sorry, but there is a 'look but dont touch' policy for the babies now. 3 ft is the radius we have established.

C8ertot said...

So on a totally unrelated note, will you be disclosing baby Halloween plans, or are you not at liberty to discuss ? I definitely think one should dress up as Laurin with bangs, and the other should be Ryan with long hair. Probably you won't let me get a vote in the costume, just like when Laurin wouldn't let me name the "extra baby". She is kind of a stick in the mud.