Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Evolution of the Cage Match

Is think I am bored with the current iteration of the cage match.  Emma the Child is clearly the cutest thing besides our girls (I didnt want to hurt Emma's feelings by pitting against the dynamic duo).  I am thinking of taking this in one of two related directions.  I am thinking either "most awesome hair cage match" or "best senior picture" cage match.   This might require some of you luddites to use a scanner, but it would be sweet.  I will happily put myself (from either my long hair phase or in the leather arm chair senior picture pose) against Laurin (definitely from her big hair phase).    I would have to do that against Laurin's very strong will.   Let me know what everyone thinks about the potential directions.


Bri said...

Do it. Do it.

Big Ryan said...

which one do you want?

G.A.Sandy said...

OK, now this is a tough one.....

G.A. Sandy

wetnurse86 said...

check your email...use the pictures I sent you for the cage match

C8ertot said...

Laurin had a big hair phase ?! Oh man. This is going to be good.

G.A.Sandy said...

truly bizarre- but a great twist!!!

G.A. Sandy

mariellen said...

I think I knew you in the 80's. Wow! Thank god you weren't a girl!

Bri said...

OMG! Those are the funniest pictures I have ever seen.

Steph said...

I think you look pretty good, Ryan. Matt and Nick would have dated you.