Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, August 30, 2008

We're moving to South Haven.......

Over the past three nights, our little ladies have been sleeping well during the night.  They are still waking up every 2-3 hours to feed, but they go right back to sleep, allowing us to sleep.  That being said, goodbye Indianapolis, hello South Haven.  We have determined it must be the comforts of this quaint lakeside community or the cool breezes coming off the water.  Whatever it is, we're not leavin.  Weve had a good run in Indianapolis.  If anyone wants to buy our house, let me know.  We are going to live in the guest suite here at the GP's condo.  Free rent, great beef jerky, and lots of cribbage.  What more could we ask for?  I know we will get lots of messages from our Indianapolis friends saying they dont know how they will go on without us, but we have made up our minds.  Check out the pics from our new home on the flickr link.


Melissa said...

thank goodness. hopefully our property values will go up now.

G.A.Sandy said...

what is the flicr link
