Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Ok, maybe I wasnt quite clear about how this whole "cuteness cage match" worked.  For their to be a winner, you actually have to vote. I have people sending me entries and not voting, people posting comments to that post but not declaring a winner, and people posting comments about the cuteness cage match on other posts but not really voting.  I think this is a great feature that I would like to continue, but I dont want to get off on the wrong foot.  I think Abe and Ozzie should have gotten more votes, but due to a lack of objectivity and voting, Bri is probably at home crying.  I dont want to keep putting pictures against the juggernaut that it 'twins napping' only to see only a few votes cast each time by people who would never consider voting against my amazingly cute twins.   So, send me an email if you are having trouble posting comments.  I could turn this into a poll, but there were some issues with that.  After I get some response here, I will move on to round 2.    Viva la cage match!


Denise E said...

okay, big ryan. here is my vote... i vote for sanna and riley to be the winners. i have not submitted an entry yet but look out on or around october 1...

G.A.Sandy said...

I am confused...where do I vote? I thought if one sent in an entry one cannot vote....did anyone else send an entry? Will my entry get on? Is this too high tech for moi??
Anyway, of course, I vote for the twins but runner up would be the two little ones on my submission.

Help you old godmother out here...


Bri said...

I AM crying right now. Abe had no chance.

I should at least get a star for a valiant effort.

However, if I did a cage match on my blog, you had better watch out!!