Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Friday, August 8, 2008


I want to thank everyone who has voted on the two most recent polls.  You have confirmed my beliefs that it is ok to pit children against eachother in battles of cuteness as well as confirming we need more action shots/movies.  Until our children actually start doing something besides squirming, should I put up video of me playing disc golf ?  I think that question is a no-brainer, so I will convince Ryan Stohler to hold the camera next round.  Lord knows you dont want video of his form miseducating the youth of America.


Patti said...

I would love to see them squirm! Come on!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just 10 seconds?



Anonymous said...

Man, I need to get on here more often to defend my disc golf honor. But no, Ryan, I still won't film you as you throw. I don't think your ego would fit in the frame. Oooh, Burn!
Laurin, we are being forced to work overtime for the third week in a row!!! We're falling apart without you! You were kidding about not coming back to the lab, right?