Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Is it immoral/illegal/impossible to cryogenically freeze babies?

Seeing the pictures of my ladies as I am gone this week (missing one third of their life so far) caused me to think about the progress of cryogenics. If I were to freeze the babies every time I went on a business trip, would that be wrong? Im sure its expensive, which is the biggest problem. Does anyone know the latest status of our country's cyrogenic capabilities? How many freezing/thawing cycles can one human take? Discuss.....

1 comment:

Kathy said...

you know Ryan this caused the great Ted Williams family a great deal of angst. Would you then have to freeze Laurin as well?..I think sending video over the cell phone could help and it would be less costly. Of course freezing could save on diapers..This definitely will take more thought.I would work on a touch technology that you can use many more uses for that.