Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Send me your pictures

Taking a look at our latest pictures and trying to figure out who our ladies look like led me to create our next blog game. I am bored with cage matches (and so is my readership apparently). So, despite the voting in its favor, I am going to move on to a game where everyone sends me their baby pictures (I think you should be 2 or under), as well as a current picture. I will post a batch at a time and everyone can guess who is who. I will try to pair up the pictures from our more mature readership so we arent comparing scanned film from the 40's with digital pictures of Justin and Emily when they were 2 in 1996. Please email me and I will figure out how to make something interesting out of them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't be an idiot. I wasn't even born then...