Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, August 2, 2008

Rules of the Cage Match

Ok, here we go....

1.  Anyone who isnt part of the current cage match (submitting either of pictures being voted on) can vote.
2.  To vote, state your vote in comment form on the post that has the pictures of the cage match participants.  If you are having trouble publishing your comments, email them to me and I will post them. 
3.  Each cage match will last 48 hours.  

At the end, whoever has more votes moves on to face the next competitor.   For the sake of explanation, we will assume 'napping twins' is the winner.  I will soon be putting up a new picture to compete against 'napping twins'.  Once that post is up, you vote by commenting on that post.  Dont place your comments on any other post but the one with the competitor's pictures.  

People can keep sending me pictures to be placed in the cage match queue. I received quite a few at once when this started, so I will pick one to be the next competitor.  I would prefer if the pictures were something from your life (you as children, your children, your grandparents, your pets, etc) but any entrants will be accepted.

If this does not clarify things, let me know.  To let everyone catch their breath, I will continue to take entrants as they come in through the weekend and post a new cage match on Monday.  The same napping twins picture will compete against a new competitor.   

I will actually leave the voting open on the first cage match until Monday to let everyone practice voting.  

Good luck participants and voters.  I will have to think of monthly cage match prizes.  


Denise E said...

well said, big ryan! hugs to laurin and the ladies! :)

Unknown said...

while we wait for the next cage match, how about a few more twin pics???

Big Ryan said...

We are in South Haven this weekend. I will try to get Laurins parents camera hooked up to post some hot pics at the beach.

Bri said...

Do you really think anyone is going to beat the twins. YOu have no chance people. Don't even try!!!!

(still crying)

Big Ryan said...

Bri, you should invite your readership over to verbal diarrhea to vote. Its a win win win win.