Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Random Pics


Katie and Jon said...

Laurin & Ryan,
Congratulations! Your daugthers are beautiful. Jena forwarded me your blog and I have been enjoying the humor!

Welcome to parenthood.

Katie (Nelson) Zischke

G.A.Sandy said...

Love this candid shots....and the DNA sign is pretty funny. The girls are doing great-can see from the pics that they are getting more and more active...will they be watching the olympics this weekend????


C8ertot said...

Laurin & Ryan,

I'm glad you mentioned the site later rather than sooner. Now I get all my backlogged baby info at one time. It's like a baby explosion !

They're both gorgeous, and I can tell Sanna's going to be a scrapper. Just keep her away from Frankie--she might learn that whole ear biting thing from him. Keep up the good posts ! Ryan is officially my baby blog hero for making this not just another baby blog !
