Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Problem Solved!

It turns out all you "knowledgable", "experienced", "mothers" didnt know anything about soothing the savages beasts that are newborns.  All it took was a pair of booties knitted with love.  This picture was taken towards the end of a 6 hour sleeping session by Riley.  We're hoping she wakes up for the fantasy football draft in five hours.  We are still debating whether to take a chance on Favre.


Kathy said...

Such angels..She had cold feet hey!
Simple things often work,which gwts me to my motto "Parents know Best"

Auntie Kathy

Big Ryan said...

I hope that everyone can sense Ryan's sarcasm. Riley may have slept for six minutes in a row last night, but not even close to six hours. I would be happy with the girls sleeping for two solid hours at this point. Let this be a lesson to never believe any of Ryan's nonsense:)

Unknown said...

The key for the first four years or so is low expectations. If you define success on a day by day basis, your likely to be unhappy. It's a month to month thing at best. These kids are crazy cute by the way.