Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, August 3, 2008

Lets get it on....again!!!!!

In the first cage match post-twins we see one familiar face and one new entry.  Abe and Ozzie are back to get a fair shot.  Against them,  we see the lone warrior of cute that is Calvin Conoway.  Both bring the cute, but who has what it takes to survive two days in the cage?


Ryan Iannucci said...

Though Calvin's picture somewhat reminds me of the bad guy in I Know What you Did Last Summer, he still gets my vote. I don't know if it's fair though because I think Brett and Susan have been paying for male modeling lessons for him.

Bri said...

I have decided that this whole thing makes me uncomfortable. Is it really fair to vote on which child is cuter? No. (especially when a BabyGap model goes up against my Handy Manny-clad kid). Anyways, I know that Abe is cute, and I know that other kids are cute too. And, I am just afraid that feelings may get hurt (not mine of course). So, feel free to take Abe's hat out of the ring, and just let the Baby Gap model win this one.


Overly Sensitive for Other Mothers Out There, Bri

Big Ryan said...

Bri, Laurin agreed that this whole thing is weird. I was hoping that it would be more about the cuteness of the picture than the inherent cuteness of the child. Every picture that has been put up involves cute kids, but certain scenarios (tins napping, boy with his trusty sidekick dog, boy in cute hoodie) all ahave different cuteness factors. I will think about how we can make this less uncomfortable and more fun/funny.

G.A.Sandy said...

Good- the little guy is soooo cute. I am glad that you are not making it a match with the twins...better that way.
But, having said that the photo of just their faces napping is surely getting printed and going into my Look at My Great Nieces carry-around file...


Unknown said...

I guess Calvin's "Blue Steel" lessons paid off. He still needs to work on his runway show(he can't turn left).

Big Ryan said...

My vote is for Abe and Ozzie. If we assume cute boy versus cute boy is a wash. Then dog trumps hoodie as a cute accessory. Let us not forget the Handy Manny shirt either.

Big Ryan said...

Bri.........I think that Abe and Ozzie are the cutest EVER!!!!!!!!!! I would have that picture made up it a wall size portrait!!!! I tried to comment earlier but I was having technical difficulty responding as a blogger. Kiss Abe and Ozzie for me! Love, Nance

Denise E said...

this is much easier now that i don't personally know the competitors. calvin is absolutely adorable but i vote for abe and dog. i think both kids are equally cute - but it is the whole kid with dog concept that puts abe over the top.

Denise E said...

totally unrelated to the cage match... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LAURIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Patti said...



Anonymous said...

Can we do a "cutest Ryan" contest? There are at least three Ryan's that peruse this (uncomfortably funny) blog. I'm sure I'd win, even if I couldn't find some babies to use as props.

Thanks again for bringing in the ladies to work today! Laurin, you look great, like you were never even parasitized -- Happy Birthday!

Ryan St.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to vote. I think the CLEAR winner of this face-off is Calvin. Although both children might be equally cute, the dog in the other pic is annoyingly disinterested, and therefore loses this vote.

Away We Go said...

I will try and look past the exterior of these two equally beautiful little boys and remind everyone that it is what is on the inside that matters. I have seen Abe is one heck of a dancer, may it be to inappropriate rap music. My vote goes to Abe knowing that in a Steele Cage of Dance, he would kick butt.

Unknown said...

If anyone is interested in a toddler "dance off" just say the word and it's on.........