Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Giant Babies

So, my ladies have chosen to grow and be extra cute while I am gone. Laurin generously/spitefully sent me some pictures while I am in Knoxville. Enjoy! Sanna completed her first half roll (stomach to back), and Riley didnt go to the emergency room. Both ladies experienced exlplosive diarrhea, which their grandma enjoyed. Laurin has been joying full nights of sleep and days full of soap operas.


Patti said...

Thank goodness for digital photography! Thank you for the post, Ryan!


Kathy said...

Great picture Laurin! Enjoy any sleep you get. Aunt Kathy

G.A.Sandy said...

Cannot believe how they are changing day by day...more and more beautiful....this is one great blog with a superior editor!!

G.A. Sandy