Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, August 2, 2008

First Family Expedition

We decided to go to South Haven this weekend to meet the great grandparents and get a tan.  So far, it has been quite an adventure.  Our little devil Sanna has found a new talent for creating messy diapers.  She also decided to pee all over herself and me during a diaper change.  That caused them both to get baths.  The one bear shot I put in here is her during her bath looking proud of herself.  We have been taking the new stroller all over South Haven.  We went to lunch today and the ladies didnt make a noise at a very loud restaurant.   Anyway, I hope these pics will appease the unruly mob that is the verbal diarrhea fanclub.  


Patti said...

Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait for their great-grand parents to meet them tomorrow! I want to eat them up! Don't let them change until I get there on August 29th! Please keep giving them their "stay as you are" pills! :)


Aunt Patti

Steph said...

Being new to this blog, and being unsure of the rules, I don't know where to post something unrelated to the topic. So I'll do it here, but don't want to incur Ryan's wrath for doing it wrong. I know you're anticipating the start of the soccer season, but I'm wondering if the girls are preparing for the fantasy football draft...Let them know Aaron Rogers is a sure bet. I'll let one of them have him. My gift to them.

Big Ryan said...

There is no wrath on this blog. I was only looking for order with respect to the cage match so voting could be counted easily. As for the draft, I am not sure the league is happening this year. Matt actually has a job now, so who is going to organize and promote the league. I have been focusing my efforts on fantasy english soccer. In those leagues, people actually try for the whole season. I am in if Matt gets off his employed butt and sets the thing up.

Steph said...

I saw Matt a couple weeks ago and he is looking forward to being our commissioner again this year. He questioned if you would have time for it, but it's obvious you do.

Big Ryan said...

I go back to work tomorrow. I will see. It helps to not be burdened with the ability to travel or leave the house.

G.A.Sandy said...

My but the girls are really advanced....I am very impressed that they are turning on their sides and pulling their little knees up while on their tummies... doubt those very athletic genes from both parents are kicking in (no pun....). It is such a thrill to see them opening their eyes out on the big wide world around them.

Again, a thousand thanks...

G.A. Sandy

Christine and Matthew said...

Have no fear, the fantasy football league lives on. With the hall of fame game on tonight, our love of football has been rejuvenated.

Now we have no children or pets or really anything of any cute value to pit against the twins. I just live vicarously through other peoples babies, babies I deliver and And on, I saw today that the Pit-Jolie twin pictures were released. Do you think the girls are ready to take on these famous babies?