Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, August 3, 2008

Cage Match Update

Ive made a decision with regards to the cage match.  I agree with Bri that there can never be a fair cage match on this blog with the twins as one of the competitors.  So, as a service to my readership, I will host the cage match going forward using only reader's submissions.  There are plenty of cute pictures of the twins on the blog, so I think we should diversify with at least two pictures of somebody else at all times.  Thanks to the one vote cast for Abe and Ozzie by Matty, we will allow them to move forward.  If they hadnt received that one vote, I may have kicked them out.  I may submit pictures of Laurin or I as children, but nothing of the twins.  Its just not fair.  But, just to show that even in an objective arena we could take everyone down, I submit the attached picture.  If anyone has any problems with this change of plans, let me know.  


Ryan Iannucci said...

Good call. As the twins continue to plumpen, they probably would make an easy run for the title.

Granny Smith said...

Abe is an adorable little boy. I think the new rules are fair. But how about those twins? Cuteness to the max.

Patti said...

You should offer this picture to People magazine (and give the proceeds to charity like the Jolie-Pitt's)! It would end up on the front cover!

Perfect,beautiful babies!


G.A.Sandy said...

I like what Patti said...give the Jolie-Pitt twins a run for their money. This pic is stunning!!

G.A.Sandy .