Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Cage Match Round 3

In the third cagematch, we see our returning champion Abe and Ozzie back again.  This time, they are taking on the Damron ladies, Grace and Pearl.  Can two beautiful pooches take down this unrelenting champion?  Only your votes can decide....


Maria said...

my vote is for the boy

G.A.Sandy said...

oooo- this is a tough the pooches,too...

love the new pics especially got a kick out of the DNA sign!!
The girls are really getting out soccer teams....


G.A.Sandy said...

I vote for the Damron ladies...but not against my twins great nieces,,,,, right?


Nancy Hendrickson said...

when it comes to cute boy and faithful pet vs. pooch and poochlet..........cute boy and faithful pet win every time!

Nancy Hendrickson said...

P.S. I am out of the toddler loop! Who is Handy Manni?

Tooth Fairy said...

How can I not vote for my own girls? My vote is definitely for the Damron girls.

Big Ryan said...

Clearly someone did not take the time to read the rules of the cage match. From their Blogger name, it must have been Justin. We will not count that vote. I will actually help their cause by voting for the Damron girls. It appears that youth rules, and Pearl is younger than Abe in that picture. Also, Grace is pretty cute for an old lady.

Unknown said...

I don't even know these dogs but I'm going to have to go with the blond beauties

Patti said...

I vote for Handy Manni Abe and Ozzie!

Bri said...

Here is a link to Handy Manny:

(This will totally up Abe's cuteness).

Unknown said...

I've been unable to find words for the power that is dual golden retrievers. I'm glad Calvin didn't have to experience his father voting for the other side. Damron ladies get my vote.

Unknown said...

Abe and ozzie are adorable, but they've had a good run so I'm gonna go with the retrievers just so we get some new competition in the cage