Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Friday, August 8, 2008

Cage Match #4

In a controversial ending reminiscent of the 1972 gold medal basketball game between the Soviet Union and the U.S.A., the win in the previous cage match was given to the Damron ladies.  After the tie was announced, two votes came in.  One was for the damrons, and one for Abe and Ozzie.  I asked for one more vote, and the first to come in was the vote for the Damrons (albeit for a questionable reason).  Also, the vote for Abe was not cast on the cage match post, so it could never have been counted.  

Anyway, in this matchup we see the Damron ladies returning to face the most beautiful little lady in the world, Ms. Laurin Smith circa 1981 (?).   Laurin would like everyone to know it was her aunt who submitted the photo, not her.  I defy anyone to tell me my lovely wife, the mother of my children, isnt cuter than a dumb old dog and fluffy puppy of questionable intelligence.   Let the biased voting commence......


Denise E said...

i vote laurin!!! :)

Patti said...

My beautiful niece gets my vote! How can anything be cuter than that pic of her?



G.A.Sandy said...

I vote for Laurin...absolutely!!! This is the cutest picture!


G.A. Sandy

Granny Smith said...

Hands down... Laurin.

Bri said...

I vote for Blondie :)

Ryan Iannucci said...

Though Laurin's picture is quite cute, I feel compelled to vote for Max since he doesn't have opposable thumbs. 1 vote for the Damron ladies.