Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, May 31, 2010

Pool Pool Party, There Was a Pool Party

The Memorial Day heat brought us to the pool yesterday. It also brought out the girls diva attitudes. I will blame it on the heat making them tired, but I dont think that was the case. Every toy in the pool was declared to be 'mine' by Riley, and Sanna did not appreciate her turn ending in David's floating device. We then moved to the patio where a car ride turned into a screamfest when sharing was required. We keep hearing how our girls will be experts in sharing by the time they get to school, but Im not sure. I feel more confident they will be experts in getting what they want through violence, intimidation, and screaming. I guess we have a couple more years of practice, but its not looking good. We will just have to dress them up super cute and maybe people will give them a pass for a while.


G.A.Sandy said...

our twin beauties are so advanced that they are getting to the terrible twos early, that is all...
meanwhile, the cuteness factor being +10, that should cover it...

Aunt Sandy

Kathy said...

Does cooling off in the pool help. I agree with G.A.Sandy that being a 10 does help for a while however even 10's wear it out. Terrible two is what is happening. You two are doing a great job just hang in there. You cousin Roger used to close his eyes and just fall over when he did not get his way silent but deadly. I would move him to a corner so he could decompress he turn out brillant as my English friends say.Of course our smart grand nieces will be way ahead of the is good.

Patti said...

I love the picture of Sanna giving you "THE LOOK"