Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Weekend Getaway

We spent the weekend in Grand Rapids shooting hoops and searching for frogs. Both were successful. We also went to Arts in Ada, which was not so successful. Sanna seemed to lose her coordination, smaking her head on the covered bridge and falling down the stairs (after leaning on the worlds worst baby gate). Here are some pictures from the fun. I will try to find a way to tastefully document our trials in potty training this week. It is an all out war. Riley has always been the worlds most active urinator, and now that she has M&Ms motivating her, she is going at will. She peed three times in the first hour of this experiment. Sanna thinks that merely sitting on the potty and declaring she is 'all done' warrants a reward. She is sorely mistaken but painfully assertive. Thankfully we bought pull ups, or we would be testing the limits of the adhesive on those Pampers. I forgot to mention that we have two pink potties that sit on the floor on the third floor. The girls sit side-by-side in a battle for urination domination. Tomorrow is going to be awesome.


Nancy Hendrickson said...

The girls' haircuts are darling! Good job Jenna! Who got to capture the frog (yech)? Best of luck with potty training times two. Just think of the money flowing in the Smith household once you are diaperless!!!

Maria said...

I am impressed with your perseverance with potty training. Ada sits on it once in awhile and usually says she has gone and needs candy even when she hasn't. It must be hard to be 2.
Good luck! I am inspired and may go out and get some pullups:)

G.A.Sandy said...

Ah, courage for the days ahead, a battle of wills like no other...but in the end (no pun intended...) it is all worth it. Look forward to hearing more about the double trouble task.
Pics are great and yes, Jenna, awesome haircut!
But, of course....

Thanks for the pics and as always greedy for more...
Aunt Sandy

mariellen said...

He conquers who endures. ~Persius

Kathy said...

My Mom used to sit us on the potty and read to us. Now mind you we were very young because she was determined. Of course that could be why we are the way we are.Take heed it will be over soon. You know they know what is going on if they run and close the door. Imagine when they get old that will be what they talk about. Good Luck. Have you tried pepermint in the potty , running water, putting hands in warm water etc..tricks of the trade
Love the do's

Bri said...

Would they like a potty training mentor? Abe would be SO good at that. He can teach them how to pee on the floor when they do not get their way, how to not lift up the seat, how to wait until the last possible moment before going, and how to clog the toilet with excessive amounts of toilet paper.