Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Birthday Bonanza

Yesterday we celebrated Erin's first birthday with the neighborhood posse. The biggest hits of the party were the juice boxes, which were consumed at record pace. The sweltering heat might have had something to do with that. My favorite thing from the party was the random kid that showed up and started doing backflips of of anything he could find. The higher the better. I was trying to walk the fine line between documenting and encouraging. All is well as he didnt kill himself. One casualty of the day were laurins sunglasses, which were destroyed shortly after Riley was allowed to put them on for this picture. With our ladies due for birthday #2, what them/activities would everyone like to see?


Kathy said...

water bottles and a clown.

Aunt Kathy

Birthdays are fun. Grandma Angie would make a train cake out of little loaf cakes for the cars.

the girls have such style I love the green wellies...

Patti said...

I miss you guys SO much!!!!!!!!!

G.A.Sandy said...

Great pics....the girls have really chic wardrobes,you guys.

Love every single pic you send and, of course, videos are extra special treats, especially now that they are talkies!!

Aunt Sandy

mariellen said...

Ponies, facepainting, BOUNCE HOUSE!! Maybe Curly the Clown is still available.

Ryan Iannucci said...
