Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Backyard Fun

I think we are in for a summer of bikini shots as it has been too hot to do anything but play in the water. Immediately after our return from the lake we headed over to the Iannucci's to enjoy their newly-fenced backyard. Ryan had been promising a fence for months and it had finally appeared. As you can see in one of the pictures below, Max enjoys the new yard the most. Riley continued her terrible twos by smacking Erin in the head (which Erin took like a champ) and declaring the chair she is sitting in (in the pic below) 'MINE'. Her third birthday cant come soon enough. Grandma Nancy did remind us that Laurin had terrible threes, so Riley may have two years of fun to come.


G.A.Sandy said...

Wow, Riley, such a posture of MINE in the stance and facial expression. Look out world, here comes Riley and Sanna!!

Yesterday, Norm saw a bumper sticker he wanted to tell you about, it said. " I am afraid of nothing...I have twins!!!"

Aunt Sandy

mariellen said...

What a " I am queen" look on Miss Riley. She will learn that she won't always win.. tough lesson, but it's for the best.

Kathy said...

Judge Judy watch out..I have said Riley would be an attorney.Wait do I see a pursed lip. Holy Cow she may have the gene. That Asian fella really is interesting I found the exact verbage on another blog called where is Gayan...
