Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Costumes

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Even More Video

While I was away the ladies finally realized they like at least 2 of the 200 toys we have for them. Check out Riley's eyes in the second video. Riley had been lagging in the focusing on/caring about stuff competition. Now she seems to be into this green thing.


Being the proactive parents we are, we will be going to the store to buy the ladies Halloween costumes tonight.  I open up the blog to suggestions.  
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Got a Little Captain in You?

We managed to make it out to our first baby-friendly social event last Friday. Our neighbors had an engagement party. We decided to take the ladies out for a few errands prior to the event. We were hoping all the driving around in their car seats would help them fall deep asleep. Riley was awake for most of the errands but fell asleep on the way home. Sanna was asleep for most the errands but woke up as soon as we got to the party. While Riley graciously decided to sleep through the wild party, Sanna decided to have her loudest screaming fit ever. Since then, she has had about one a day. Historically, Sanna was our calm, quiet baby. Theories range from teething (we think we see something popping through in one spot) to seperation anxiety. Sanna started freaking out when a new person was holding her. I have been on business travel all week and Grandma Nancy has been causing the freakouts. The internets tell us that this can start to happen around this time. I will be home tonight to solve all this baby drama. For all of you that planned to visit us, noone is allowed to hold our babies but us anymore. Our eardrums cant take the pain. For your amusement, I offer this photo I took on my camera of Eric doing his best Captain Morgan impression.
Friday, October 24, 2008

Important Notification

I want to comment that they previous post is by no means an endorsement of the Obama campaign.   Verbal Diarhhea is a politically neutral website that welcomes all.  If there had been a McCain rally downtown we would have gone as well.  We are merely political voyeurs and Sanna wanted to be a part of the fun.  Please dont stop reading the blog to the perception that we are now part of the liberal media.
Thursday, October 23, 2008

High School Girls Freaking Love Obama

So, I got an email yesterday saying there was an Obama event downtown. Now that we live downtown, I thought it might be interesting to go. Riley had an appt with with craniosacral therapist, so Sanna and I decided to check it out. The email I got said doors opened at 830 and the event was 9-11. I thought that was odd since it was outdoors, but whatever. Sanna and I got there at 9 and there was a huge line of people waiting to go through security and get in. Sanna got hungry at about 915, so I fed her in the baby bjorn as we made our way towards security. After we finally got in, we were actually really close. That is probably due to the fact that the event didnt START until 11. I was a little pissed and had no more bottles. Luckily, Sanna is an angel. She finished her bottle around 1030 and took her pacifier around 11. Despite the high school girls screaming like N'Sync was about to come on, she slept. Having heard the talking points many a time, I really just wanted to take some pictures and experience the event. At 12, Obama went on. I took a few pics and Sanna started to freak out. We were very fortunate to find a path out as it was barricaded all around the park. If I hadnt found this gap we would have had to make our way through 25000 people across about 100yds of park. So, our day consisted of 3 hours of waiting and 2 minutes of Obama.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Return Of Video

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

We left the House.....

With the family in town last weekend, we decided to go on a crazy adventure.  We took the ladies hiking in Eagle Creek Park with the Iannucci's and some dogs we found roaming around.    Despite Laurin's lack of coordination, we decided to strap a baby to her chest and set her on a path through the winding trails.   No babies were harmed in the execution of this adventure.   There was minimal puking and Riley stayed awake for most of the event.   
Thursday, October 16, 2008

From the Cradle to the Grave.....

Here we see three generations of lovely ladies.   In an effort to get the great grandparents safely from Kalamazoo, MI to Largo, FL, several members of the family undertook the most complicated feat of transportation.  The result was this picture.  It would have been even better if Katie wasnt so selfishly leaving tonight.  We could have had four generations tomorrow.   Patti flew in from Tampa to spend some time with the ladies.  Katie popped in from Purdue for the evening.  Nancy came down a day early for some QT.   Tomorrow, Grandpa Bill will be driving the GGPs from Kalamazoo to Indianapolis.  After a short stay, Patti will drive them the rest of the way back to their shared home state of Florida.  Grandma Nancy will then drive home with Grandpa Bill sometime this weekend.   Our ladies managed to surpass their previous level of cute in the series of pictures that took place today. Try not to pee your pants from the visual assault of cuteness.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

So Cute Im Gonna Puke

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Quick Updates

In the latest cage match, you can see two awesomely bad competitors go head-to-head.  Please let me know if you are unwilling/unable to submit similar photos.  I have one other competitor after these.  

In the world of babies, Riley had a puke explosion yesterday.  She looked a little red and agitated, so I tried to put her in her little chair to relax.  I went downstairs, and heard Laurin scream for me to come back upstairs.  When I got up there, Riley had chunks of food streaming out of her mouth and nose (really freaky when puke comes out her nose).   It was all over her outfit and chair.  She soaked the back of her head somehow.  I really wish we had taken a picture, but we were actually concerned parents for once, not laughing voyeurs.    With this new formula, the food sometimes comes out as chunks.  Other than that explosion she is still doing better than with breastmilk/regular formula.  Both ladies are still sleeping better and talking a lot.  We will record a 'conversation' soon as we havent had video in some time.  There was a good one this morning.
Friday, October 10, 2008

This is what I am looking for.....

Here you see a perfect example of the magic I would like to see in the cage match.  Notice the priceless combination of a spiral perm and a banana clip.  You cant beat that.  I should have some equally awesome pictures of myself soon.  Thank you Katie for so willingly offering these pictures of Laurin.

Sweet Dreams

We have seen somewhat of a trend in sleep over the past week.  Riley has had a ~6 hours session to start the night the last three nights.  She is also doing much better with her eating.  She doesnt spit up much more than Sanna as of today.  That is allowing us to put her down and get back to sleep much faster.  We have only been getting up 1-2 times during the night/baby.  By night I mean between 10 and 7.  Laurin's night ends around 10Am, but that is mostly due to the fact that she hasnt been getting to sleep at a reasonable hour.  She has been drinking caffeine like its going out of style.  I guess she needs to make up for lost time.   We credit the wonderful people over at Enfamil for producing their rice-based formula.  Its great going down, but a bit of mess on the back end.  We have lost that great baby poop consistency.  Fewer blowouts though.   Check Riley out hangin in the Bumbo. 
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Evolution of the Cage Match

Is think I am bored with the current iteration of the cage match.  Emma the Child is clearly the cutest thing besides our girls (I didnt want to hurt Emma's feelings by pitting against the dynamic duo).  I am thinking of taking this in one of two related directions.  I am thinking either "most awesome hair cage match" or "best senior picture" cage match.   This might require some of you luddites to use a scanner, but it would be sweet.  I will happily put myself (from either my long hair phase or in the leather arm chair senior picture pose) against Laurin (definitely from her big hair phase).    I would have to do that against Laurin's very strong will.   Let me know what everyone thinks about the potential directions.

Photo Caption Contest v 3.0

Monday, October 6, 2008

Next Step....

So, it doesnt appear that the first round of craniosacral therapy had a major effect on Riley's reflux.  She is more alert these days, but that could be a product of her continued mental development.  We also switched her to a formula with a rice component that has seemed to help a little.  With that being said, we are looking for additional solutions to help our little Riley.   I found an interesting article on acupuncture used for this purpose.  The girls dont seem to like needles, so I am a little hesitant.  Has anyone out there used acupuncture to cure such an affliction?  I found a guy downtown that will do it for a reasonable price. 

Weekend Fun

We spent the weekend at Smith manor in Grand Rapids.  I had a rugby game against the Grand Rapids team and we need to pick up furniture in South Haven, so off we went.   Excitement included someone breaking their leg in the rugby game (on the other team),  lots of smiling from the little ladies, some diaper blowouts, and a trip out to a bar for us.  Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Smith for giving us a night out.  By night out, I mean we left at 6 and were home by 9.   The rugby team has a social after every game with the other team.    If Laurin or my mother were more willing/able to use a camera we would have good action shots from the rugby game.  Sadly, all we were left with are more pictures of the ladies.  Lame. 
Thursday, October 2, 2008

Bring The Pain

So, we had an action-packed day. First up, the pediatrician.  Our little beefies weighed in a 10lb 14oz (Sanna), and 11lb 5 oz (Riley).  So, Sanna is catching up.  She had been consistently 1 Lb behind.  The girls were given a clean bill of health and vaccinated.  They are moving nicely up the middle of the growth chart.  Riley was given some special formula with rice in it that supposedly adds weight to the liquid.  That is supposed to help keep things down.    We inquired about the craniosacral therapist, and were give the green light as long as it was all about touch/massage, not manipulation and stretching. 

We then raced across town to the home of the craniosacral therapist.  Arriving just in time, we entered with extreme caution.  The therapist was very nice and laid back.   I cant really say what she was doing, but it appeared as it she was just lightly touching various parts of her body and feeling for blockages in her chi or something.   She found some in her colon, thorassic spine, and vagus nerve. She supposedly 'released' them, but I dont know how.  Riley slept through a good portion of the treatment.  When we got home, Riley slept for about 5 hours, ate, the slept for another 6-7 hours.  I was not so lucky throughout the night.  She seemed to be calmer and more alert, but who knows.  We will see how things progress with her eating.  First meal was good, next two not so much.  The therapist thought it might take 48-72 hours to take effect.  We will probably go back next week to follow up.  

So, she is still alive and possibly better off.   We will see.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Craniosacral Therapy

There has been a lot of concern expressed over our impending use of craniosacral therapy on Riley.  Our goal is to see if it helps with her rather extreme reflux.  We plan to discuss the decision with our pediatrician to determine if it is 100% safe and potentially effective.  All the reading I have done describe it as a gentle technique that is perfectly safe on any age/size person.  I have yet to come across a negative article, but will keep looking in the spirit of due diligence.  In order to calm everyone's fears, I am posting a video of the world's preeminent craniosacral therapist, Dr. Terry Bollea.  Here he demonstrates some of his most effective techniques on a patient.