Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Meet the Grandparents

While we jetted off to Boston for the Kenealy/Fahey wedding the Hendricksons graciously offered to watch our little angels for the five day trip. This was mostly Papa's idea. He was excited to get up early, change diapers, and escape the horrors of a peaceful retirement. From the pictures I can see the girls have been working on their funny faces, overcoming fears (see Riley in the sand), animal wrangling (see Sanna and the orange cat), and boating.


Kathy said...

Well looks like the girls are having a great time and an adventure along with it. They are so lucky to have grandparents that all love them so much. Bill and Nancy looks like such fun. We all may have to come visit.Nice pictures as well for us to enjoy.


Patti said...

Beautiful little angels! I miss them!

mariellen said...

Looks like Grandma Smith may have to bring a little kitten for Sanna. A home is not a home without a little cat hair.

Grammy S