Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Park Fun

The girls went to the park twice today. Once with their babysitter while Laurin and I biked, and a second time with Erin, Ryan, Laurin and I. The flowers Ryan and I helped to plant in the park have held strong all Summer. Recently, they have attracted tons of butterflies. I am happier to get great butterfly pictures in the real world like this. Taking them in the butterfly house at the zoo felt like cheating. The spider picture was from our front porch. Despite the best efforts of our well-paid Orkin man, our house is overrun with spiders, inside and out. For those of you that know Laurin well, this is a problem. That pic was taken at night and actually turned out better than expected. You cant see anything in the background, which helps. I was finally able to take a video of the girls singing their two favorite songs today: the wonder pets theme song and the ABCs. They didnt give their best performance on either, but it is a start. They belt it out all day long when no cameras are on, but seem to clam up when the spotlight is on them. I am sure that is what all parents tell their friends after disappointing performances, but it is true in this case. I need to find a way to tape them without them knowing. In the car is normally the best. Sanna usually wakes up from naps singing 'Pony Boy' (thanks grandma) or anything she can think of to wake up her sleeping sister.


mariellen said...

Gorgeous shots of the butterfly and spider! Gradma Angi would be so impressed by your nature shots. I thought the videos were great and the girls did not disappoint.

G.A.Sandy said...

Wow- if they sing better than this, it must be something.
Thanks, an absolute wonderful way to start our week!
And, as always, our family photographer does not disappoint either...magnifique!!!

Love you all;
G.A. Sandy