Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Apple Adventure

As a parting treat before leaving our children for 5 days, we took them to the apple orchard. This place was small, which turned out to be very nice. It wasnt a carnival atomosphere like most apple orchards these days. We took the Iannuccis with us. The first two pics arent from apple picking, but they were cute enough to be included. We will be in Boston for the rest of the week, so please enjoy this weekend's posts. Hopefully Grandma Nancy will take some good pics we can put up.


Kathy said...

Whew did these bring back memories for me. Leo loved to visit the local orchards this time of year. Peter and I were just talking about it. Looking forward to seeing you two. The girls are the apples of everyone's eyes.

G.A.Sandy said...

Ah, such things are memories made of...

Aunt Sandy