Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Drliches and Monkey Shoes

The two highlights of Saturday were the unveiling of the monkey shoes/slippers from Aunt Patti and the visit from the Drliches. Sanna showed off how she is now a big girl by swinging on the 'big girl swing'. She is already practicing acting like a teenager that is too cool to be photographed by her father.

Popsicles were the hit of the day, leaving everyone with colored lips/tongues and sticky clothes.

The lowlight for Sam was swinging. He wanted it and the photography of it to stop.

He hoped his popsicle would last forever though.

The obligatory butterfly shot. Maybe the best one yet if you blow it up.

Sam was a kicking machine. Riley didnt completely melt down when someone else was playing with her ball.

And, the monkey shoes (with matching stuffed monkey).


mariellen said...

Wow! What a big girl swinging on the big girl swing! She looks like she's 6.Love the monkey slippers. Where can I get a pair?

Grammy S

mariellen said...

Wow! What a big girl swinging on the big girl swing! She looks like she's 6.Love the monkey slippers. Where can I get a pair?

Grammy S

G.A.Sandy said...

How cute are those monkey slippers!!
And how beautiful that butterfly are right when I blew it up...Awesome!! That begs to be framed!!
Love the pics of the children, swings and popsicles and all...looks like a grand time....

G.A. Sandy

Bri said...

The Drlich boys had a good time. My favorite parts include Sanna singing, "YOUR BACKYARD FRIENDS THE BACKYARDIGANS!!!" and Riley calling me her mom, but in a total sarcastic/funny way. Those girls are too cute. I am also a fan of the Ansel Smith photography.