Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Flower Girls Showdown

This afternoon we ventured to David's Bridal so that the girls could try on flower girls dresses. As their cuteness abounds in every picture, we need your help. While Katie gets final say, we seek the opinion of our readership for help. There is a poll to the right, but feel free to leave comments as well.


Nancy Hendrickson said...

Oh my goodness! I wish I could have seen the show in person!!!!!!! What did they THINK about all of those princess dresses?????? Absolutely precious!

Patti said...


mariellen said...

How cute! I loved the first one Sanna is wearing ( if I had a vote). Anyone of them are precious.

Grammy S

Kathy said...

I loved most of them. Can number 4 be in any other color? I also thought number 5 was so precious. hard to vote. I did and it appears so far number 4 is the lead dress. So beautiful. Thanks for sharing the adventure.

G.A.Sandy said...

Just absolutely wonderful!! The girls look like they are really getting into the moment...but, of course..

I vote for no. 4 but they are all lovely.

Aunt Sandy

Kathy said...

Cousin Peter says all the dresses are beautiful but I picked number 4. Good Taste.
I now has the web site on his desk top.

Cousin Peter

Ryan Iannucci said...

As long as they are wearing keens, all the dresses look good.