Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, September 18, 2010

cookout/movie night

The Iannuccis and Lielands came over for a Friday night cookout. Since the Lielands kids dont go to sleep until 1130, they showed up at 7. So, our girls experienced a wild Friday night, staying up until 930! They made it without any major meltdowns, although Riley almost melted off her hand by touching the Weber grill (many tears ensued).

Towards the end of the night we settled in to watch G-Force (some movie about genetically-engineered Guinea Pigs fighting terrorism) and read books.


G.A.Sandy said...

All terrific pictures...Sanna and Riley have quite an exciting life! Photographers really caught those expressions....

G.A. Sandy

Kathy said...

Life is good for the Smith family. Love when we get to share how big the kids friends and our nieces are getting. Great pictures Ry. Love

great Aunt Kathy

mariellen said...

Looks like Erin has a lot of deep thoughts.