Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, May 31, 2010

Pool Pool Party, There Was a Pool Party

The Memorial Day heat brought us to the pool yesterday. It also brought out the girls diva attitudes. I will blame it on the heat making them tired, but I dont think that was the case. Every toy in the pool was declared to be 'mine' by Riley, and Sanna did not appreciate her turn ending in David's floating device. We then moved to the patio where a car ride turned into a screamfest when sharing was required. We keep hearing how our girls will be experts in sharing by the time they get to school, but Im not sure. I feel more confident they will be experts in getting what they want through violence, intimidation, and screaming. I guess we have a couple more years of practice, but its not looking good. We will just have to dress them up super cute and maybe people will give them a pass for a while.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Oops My Bad

In my rush to get up to South Haven this weekend I forgot to grab any of my cameras. Here is some guest photography from Grandma Nancy.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Birthday Bonanza

Yesterday we celebrated Erin's first birthday with the neighborhood posse. The biggest hits of the party were the juice boxes, which were consumed at record pace. The sweltering heat might have had something to do with that. My favorite thing from the party was the random kid that showed up and started doing backflips of of anything he could find. The higher the better. I was trying to walk the fine line between documenting and encouraging. All is well as he didnt kill himself. One casualty of the day were laurins sunglasses, which were destroyed shortly after Riley was allowed to put them on for this picture. With our ladies due for birthday #2, what them/activities would everyone like to see?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Weekend Getaway

We spent the weekend in Grand Rapids shooting hoops and searching for frogs. Both were successful. We also went to Arts in Ada, which was not so successful. Sanna seemed to lose her coordination, smaking her head on the covered bridge and falling down the stairs (after leaning on the worlds worst baby gate). Here are some pictures from the fun. I will try to find a way to tastefully document our trials in potty training this week. It is an all out war. Riley has always been the worlds most active urinator, and now that she has M&Ms motivating her, she is going at will. She peed three times in the first hour of this experiment. Sanna thinks that merely sitting on the potty and declaring she is 'all done' warrants a reward. She is sorely mistaken but painfully assertive. Thankfully we bought pull ups, or we would be testing the limits of the adhesive on those Pampers. I forgot to mention that we have two pink potties that sit on the floor on the third floor. The girls sit side-by-side in a battle for urination domination. Tomorrow is going to be awesome.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

As an ode to the mother/wife the girls and I love and appreciate so much, I endeavored to make cards/videos proclaiming our love for Laurin. The results were somewhat less that my lofty expectations, but the process was fun to be a part of/document. What the girls meant to say in the video was how much the love their mom and how wonderful their lives are thanks to her. I think in the short video we hear Riley say 'love you mama'. You have to be sharp to catch it, but it is there. The other video lets you into the fun of our lives as the girls attempt to sit across from eachother and create seperate drawings while holding half a bagel in their other hands. Anyway, I will also take this time to declare my love and appreciation for my mother who constantly puts up with me and my sense of humor (which is no easy task) and has been a great help to us over these crazy last two years. The girls send their love to their grandma as well. These videos are really for the superfans (sorry Mr. Chinese Spam Poster) as they arent too exciting but are great insights into the girl's daily interactions.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Pool Party

The temperature has been rising in good ol Indianapolis, so we hit the pool this week. Our bathing beauties strutted their stuff with their good friends Erin and Emre. While our fancy new pool that squirts water from two flowers was a little disconcerting to the girls, they fought through the stress to enjoy the weather and company.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Zoo/Robin Feeding Her Babies

After seeing how fun the last game was I decided to have round two. This time you have to decide if each picture is either the girls at the zoo or a robin feeding her babies. Enjoy.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Zoo/Birthday Combo

Lets play a game, its called birthday party or zoo. You have to guess which one each picture came from. This has nothing due to being too lazy to create two different posts. It is a really fun game. If anyone doesnt have Facebook I will put up the b&w zoo pics from earlier in the week.