Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Party on the Step

Here is a video of our children at their calmest. Noone is getting bitten or slapped, so it is a happy moment that I wanted to capture on video. Please let us know your thoughts on this one so we can solve a raging family debate. Funny? Cute? Not Funny? Not Cute? Neutral? Our kids are definitely a little odd.


Maria said...

this is way more normal than my kids ever are. but that really should not comfort you.

mariellen said...

I think it's funny,especially when Sanna switches sides of the steps. I'm impressed how nice they were to each in such close proximity, too. Riley didn't bear her teeth at all!

Love, Grammy S

Patti said...

Too cute for words! You can just see their little minds working....

G.A.Sandy said...

ah, the quiet days are really over. What can be going through those beautiful heads as they play their twin games and negotiate their territory....

I think that this is great behavior and love it!

G.A. Sandy

Kathy said...

Ah yes sisterly games. Demonstrating mirroring, territorialism and rhythmn. But the finale of checking out the gate was interesting. I was wondering who was the leader looked like Sanna was. All wonderfully normal.


Chris said...

Uhhh, yeah. Funny. And cute. And definitely very odd. They're really punishing that step, aren't they?