Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, December 21, 2009

Gift Explosion

Thanks to the generosity of our friends and relatives, our children have been showered with gifts of all shapes and sizes. The girls have been dancing their faces off on the new Yo Gabba Gabba musical dance mat. They have also been carrying around their new baby dolls that begin a five-minute conversation with the touch of a button. They also got some sweet new hats that were hand crafted by Great Aunt Patti. The girls enjoyed ripping open their gifts and making a giant mess.


G.A.Sandy said...

Let the Yuletide begin!!!
Love the hats...looks like everyone is getting into the spirit and still more to come!!!

G.A. Sandy

Kathy said...

They get me in the spirit. God Bless you all.



Nancy Hendrickson said...

Dawson looks totally bored with Christmas! It must not be the same thrill for dogs.

C8ertot said...

I logged on for the first time in a while to see what antics the Smith family was up to. It seems not much has changed ! Merry Christmas !
