Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas Party Fun

Late in the party, Sanna thought it was important to hide under this table and scream. We did not agree. Sorry all of these are out of order.

Sanna was cautious but intrigued by this bearded weirdo distributing fun toys to all the other kids.

Riley did not find Santa as amusing. Despite him giving her a gift she now loves she cried her eyes out until we seperated her from this odd character.

Riley saw the big kids diving on the floor chasing after baloons. She thought it looked fun, so she just dove on the floor and started making swimming motions.

This is a picture of Sanna early in the party, before she had run us and herself completely ragged, ripping ornaments off the tree and finding hidden staircases to climb.

Riley grew out of her latest carseat, so we have decided to just go ahead and buckle her in like a big girl, which she insists she it. We will have to put some padding on that strap that gos across her neck.

The girls find the vent to be thoroughly enjoyable. It makes for some good pictures too.

Riley is very exicted about the hot air.


mariellen said...

Looks like the Christmas party was a lot of fun, despite the scary Santa. Just don't tell him he's coming down the chimney Christmas night.

Grammy S

Nancy Hendrickson said...

Poor Riley! It's a flashback to the Larry Girard (our friend that looks like Santa) encounter. I love the action shots of the girls long locks blowing in the wind (of the heater vent)!

G.A.Sandy said...

Love the family pic!! Hey, these girls are growing like Topsy!!!
Looks like your Christmas party was a big success!

G.A. Sandy

Kathy said...

Looks like they will need toddler car seats pretty soon. Beautiful pictures and it is like being there without the audio. Love it.
