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Friday, December 25, 2009

The Many Faces of Riley Revisited

Yesterday, we took the kids over to the Perl museum in Ada, MI. We were very afraid that their curiosity and destructive tendencies would be too much for our hosts to take. They assured us that they were mentally prepared for the visit and that the cuteness of twins would outweigh the pain of losing treasured possessions. Riley was so excited she completely soaked her pants. That is why we have a bunch of naked shots. We didnt get as many pictures as I would have liked with the Perls due to our constant monitoring responsibilities. These are outof order again, but you can figure it out. Mrs. Perl also thinks we should publish more of the crazy/whiny moments from our ladies to show the reality of twins. I am happy to do that, but I dont want to scare people off of ever having children. I will look into a 24 hour webcam in our play room. We can stream it on the blog.

You may ask yourself "what lovely lady do these legs belong to?" The answer is Nick Perl. In honor of our first visit to the Perl house Nick spent 3 hours getting these pants on. The girls appreciated it.

This is my new favorite Riley picture. She is flashing her gang signs but maintaining her supreme cuteness.

She then proceeded to eat a spatula. Her hair was the impetus for this photo shoot. It turned out quite a few great shots of her many expressions.

If you are wondering why Sanna didnt make it into this post, it is because she spent most of our visit crying/clinging to her mother. She opened up towards the end of the visit, completing the first somersalt in the family as part of 'the move'. Riley was more willing to be passed around, spreading holiday cheer.

Cindy was so excited to hold a baby she couldnt stop screaming. Luke is in a world of trouble.


Kathy said...

Love Riley's "do". Adorable/ I also like the cartoon like shot. Ryan how did you do that.

Oh a streaming blog..I will never leave my laptop


Patti said...

I vote "yes" on the webcam in the play room also! :)