Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas Picture Take Two

Matching Christmas pajamas plus music equals funny pictures.

This is one of two reasonable pictures we were able to get. Despite all of Laurins coaching and props it was nothing but chaos.

Riley is really in to sitting on this little window ledge in our family room. She likes to look out into the backyard for squirrels. None this day, but she will try again tomorrow.

Sanna had removed most of the balls from the tree. She will get tired of doing that eventually Im sure. When we tell her to be gentle/nice to the ornaments she goes and kisses the goose ornament. She has no love for the decorative balls apparently.

This is the other winner. Laurin wasnt totally satisfied, but if you go back to last years pics you can see just how far weve come. I think she dreamed of the two of them hugging in their matching pea coats in front of the tree under perfect lighting. Maybe next year.

This is my favorite of the bunch. This was when they first saw the tree and were totally amazed/excited.


Patti said...

I LOVE them trying to be "gentle" with the ornaments! I wish I could have seen it when they first saw the tree! They are beautiful!

mariellen said...

All the pictures are wonderful, but the black and whites are just magical. They are definitely frame worthy!

Love, Grammy Smith

G.A.Sandy said...

I agree on the black and, I see them enlarged and framed or maybe on your Christmas cards??

All in all sounds like the tree decorating went pretty well ....

Merry,merry is even more merrier with little angels like these.

Love; G.A. Sandy

Bri said...

OMG - pea coats! I LOVE IT.

Kathy said...

I agree about the black and whites they are enchanting but I love the pea coat look. Doing well Laurin. Wish I heard Riley express delight when she saw the tree done. Love those new jammies.


Jill said...

My vote is for the matching PJ's picture. Nothing says Christmas like PJ's! (Although I am grounded from buying any more) Guess I went a little overboard.