Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Number Two, Take Two

Our second Christmas of the year was in Grand Rapids. Here is a sampling of the chaos.

Rley could hardly control her excitement as she opened her numerous gifts. She took time out to relax with her Aunt Jenna.

The surprise gift of the day was a box of painted rocks for Sanna. She has a weird love for carrying around rocks she finds around the house. Granny Smith painted them as some of her favorite things (Brobee, an owl, butterfly, ladybug, etc.). She loved them and is currently trying to keep them away from Riley.

The stress of Christmas drove Riley to double-fist her milk. Bottle #2 came from her new baby.

"You will drink this milk and you will like it!" Riley said to her disobedient daughter. Karma is a bizzo my dear.

Sanna stared into her stocking to make sure she didnt miss any gifts.

1 comment:

Patti said...

CUTE Christmas PJ's!